3Com Modem drivers for the U.S. Robotics 56K Voice PCI (Hawk) Modem.

Version A03 for Windows ME

Note:  Windows ME has native support for the U.S. Robotics 56K Voice PCI Modem.  This is the Dell driver update.  It should be used to ensure that all of your modem’s features are fully supported.


To update to this newer driver:


2.    Click the tab for DEVICE MANAGER.  Click the ‘+’ sign in front of the section labeled MODEM. Double-Click on the item labeled U.S. ROBOTICS 56K VOICE PCI.

3.    Click the tab labeled DRIVER, then click UPDATE DRIVER.  Change the radio button to select ‘Specify the location of the driver’, then click NEXT.

4.    Un-check the option ‘Removeable Media’ and instead, place a check in the option ‘Specify a location’. 

5.    Click the BROWSE button to the right of the text box and highlight the folder C:\dell\drivers\19YRD, then click NEXT.

6.    Windows will now report that it is ready to install the best driver for the U.S. Robotics 56k Voice PCI modem.  Click NEXT.

7.    When Windows reports it has finished installing the driver, click FINISH.

8.    Close any remaining open windows on your desktop screen. 

9.    Your modem driver has now been updated.



To remove the Dell driver:


2.    Highlight U.S. Robotics 56K Voice PCI DOS Box Support and click ADD/REMOVE.

3.    Click YES when asked if you are sure you wish to remove the software.

4.    When asked to restart the computer, choose NO.  Now click OK to close the ADD/REMOVE PROGRAMS window.

5.    In the CONTROL PANEL that is still open on your screen, double-click the icon labeled MODEMS.

6.    Highlight U.S. Robotics 56k Voice PCI and click REMOVE.  Now close the CONTROL PANEL.

7.    Now open MY COMPUTER and click TOOLS in the menu at the top of the window.  Click FOLDER OPTIONS in the drop-down menu and then click the VIEW tab.

8.    Choose the option to SHOW ALL FILES.  Click OK and then close MY COMPUTER.

9.    Now click START, FIND, FILES OR FOLDERS.  In the text box labeled NAMED type 3CPCI. In the text box labeled LOOK IN click the arrow on the right side of the text box and click once on (C: ).  Now click the button labeled FIND NOW.

10.After Windows finishes searching for files, locate the button labeled IN FOLDER at the top of the second column of information.  Now place your mouse pointer on the right border of the IN FOLDER button and double-click the mouse.  This will expand the IN FOLDER column so you can see the full path of the files that Windows located.

11.Now click once near the middle of the IN FOLDER button and the files will be sorted by the order of the folders in which they were found.

12.Delete all of the files in the window EXCEPT THOSE FOUND IN THE C:\DELL\DRIVERS\19YRD folder.  (Don’t worry.  If you accidentally delete some of the files in C:\dell\drivers\19YRD, simply re-run the a4hawkME.exe file that you originally downloaded from the Dell website if you intend to reinstall the modem.

13.Click OK and then close the Control Panel window.  Your Dell modem driver has been completely removed from Windows. 


Note:  Due to the native support that ships with Windows ME, as soon as the computer is rebooted, the native Microsoft driver will be reinstalled.