Tektronix 465B 100MHz Portable Oscilloscope with DM-44 DMM

Tektronix 465B 100MHz Portable Oscilloscope with DM-44 DMM
Larger view of the controls...
Tektronix 465B Vertical Tektronix 465B Horizontal

Dual trace scope with full X/Y capability, bandwidth selection and flexible vertical modes with
probe factor indication. Requires indicating probes for correct scale factor read-out.

Late serial number: B047826
A/B Delayed Sweep
Sweep Magnifier
Mixed Mode
Alternate Sweep with Trace Separation
Very Versatile Triggering
Great CRT
Quiet Fan
Good condition inside and out.

DM-44 Digital Multi Meter
Tek User's Manual PDF

add 2 NEW P6100 1X/10X 100Mhz NON-INDICATING probes for $75 extra
P6100 1X/10X 100Mhz NON-INDICATING probes Close-up of the P6100 probe end

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